
Education of Muslims In Early Era of Islam  

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Education of Muslims In the Subcontinent

Q1. Define suffa?/ what is suffa?
It was the first school of Muslim world which was developed by Hazrat Muhammad (SAW). It was residential school. The number of students is reported up to 70. .

Q2. What was the curriculum in Nabvi Era? What was the curriculum in early period of Islam?
The curriculum includes hadith.tafseer. fiqh, math, Oratory, geography, logic and medicines etc.

Q3. Describe the measures took by Hazrat Umar (RA) to increase literacy rate?
He started the system of pay for teachers and scholarships for students.

Q4. In whose era the schools were separated from mosques?
In Saljooks’s era the schools buildings were separated from mosques.

Q5. Define Maktab?
The term was used for the place where reading and writing was taught to the students at primary level.
Q6. Define Madarsa?
The institute for secondary education was named madarsa in early period of islam. At this level the students were taught philosophy, science and languages. The teacher at this level was known as Mudaras.

Q7. Define Jamia?
The term was used for institutes of higher education in early periods of islam. Now a days term university is used for such institutions. Jamia Mustansaria, nazamia Baghdad, and jamia azhar were most famous universities of that time.

Q8. List the facilities provided to the students by Jamia Mustansaria?
The students were provided with lamp, olive oil, pen, ink and map in addition to monthly stipend.

Q9. Write a hadith in support of education?
“Get education from lap to grave’.

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